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"Take nothing but pictures,
leave nothing but footprints (but only on established trails),
kill nothing but time"
 | A new gate was installed
on McAllisterville Cave this Spring. The contact for the key
remains the same.
 | A great landowner
reference distributed by the Cave Conservancy of the Virginias is Living
on Karst: A Reference Guide for Landowners in Limestone Regions.
This is a must for landowners in karst regions.
 | J-4
in Center County, PA is closed until
further notice. Please pass the information along.
 | Mt. Rock Cave in Mifflin County, PA is now gated.
Caving limitted to May 15 - September 15 and the Nittany Grotto is the keyholder
and Greater Allentown Grotto has a copy.
 | GAG holds a mutual fund. These funds
are to be used for a cave conservation project sometime in the future. We hope that
by planning ahead this will enable us to contribute in a way that we previously couldn't.
Restricted Access Cave
Lists - Below is a list of know closed or restricted caves in our
area. As always, be respectful of landowner's wishes.
Area Region Limited Access Caves
Cave Laws - Conservation
is not just a good idea - it's the law.
The Federal Cave
Protection Act of 1988
Pennsylvania Cave Protection Act
West Virginia Cave Protection Act