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MAR Offers Schofer Cave Management Plan - Bert Ashbrook |
Fourteenth Hole - Bert Ashbrook |
A Ridgewalking Primer - Bert Ashbrook |
Book Review: MAR Bulletin 20, Caves of Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania - Bert Ashbrook |
Hibernating Bats are Sensitive to Nontactile Human
Disturbance - Donald Thomas |
Oh, That Light! - Craig Brady |
It's GAG, Inc! - Bert Ashbrook |
GAG Articles of Incorporation |
GAG Bylaws |
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Icky's Underground Adventures - Bob Cronk |
Heard on the Surface News and Rumors |
In the Media Caves and Cavers of Local Interest |
Snyder's Believe It or Cave! |
The Secretary's Scoop Meeting Summaries - Bryan
McAdam |
Trip Reports |
Grotto Calendar |
Reports - |
Walnut Cave and Roaring Creek Cave - Bert Ashbrook |
J-4 Cave - Kevin Zintak |
Gage Caverns and Schoharie Caverns - Vince Kappler |
Ben's Cave and small caves in Carr Branch Area - Bert
Ashbrook |
Greenbrier and Pocohontas Counties - Bert Ashbrook |
Onyx Cave - Walk King |
Bobcat Cave - Ed Kehs |
Butler Cave - Nate Walter |
Binkley's Cave and Marengo Cave - George Jaegers |
Aitkin Cave - Rich Rosevear |
Aitkin Cave - Bert Ashbrook |
Rupert's Cave - Bert Ashbrook |
Pinnacle Cave - Doug Soroka and Lynn Kleina |
Dasher Caverns and Little Bird Cave - Bert Ashbrook |