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#83 - Summer 2002
#82 - Spring 2002
#81 - Winter 2002
#80 - Fall 2001
#79 - Spring 2001
#78 - Fall 2000
#77 - Spring 2000
#76 - Winter 1999
#75 - Fall 1999
#67 - Spring 1997
#65 - Fall 1996
#64 - Summer 1996
#63 - Spring 1996
#62 - Winter 1996
#60 - Summer 1995



GAG Newsletter


GAG Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2000
Snyder's Believe It or Cave!
Follow Me!
Floyd's Lost Dog
What's In A Name?
Articles -
Kentucky's New and Beautiful Cavern, Another of the World's Great Wonders By Alvin During, Louisville Courier-Journal May 1, 1921
Cave Video Production (part 3)
Tips On Producting A Cave Video (excerpt) - Dave Socky
Adventure Runs Deep in the Wet 'n' Wild Cave Country of Puerto Rico - Chris Hawley, The Times, July 9, 2000


Trip Reports -
Scott Hollow Cave - Gery Kirkner
Sangdoreff Corners, NY - Doug Soroka and Lynn Kleina
Gambler's Den - Leslie and Paul Lubaczewski
Peiper Cave Cleanup - Mchael Spencer
Huckelberry Ridge Cave Dig Project - Michael Spencer
The Hole (Boggs Cave) - Michael Spencer
Carnegie Cave and Conodoguinet Cave - Michael Spencer
Illinois Caverns - George Jaegers


General Caving News and Information -
The Hidden Green Diamond, A History of the Caves in Berks County, Pennsylvania - Dean Snyder
Michael Kehs Wins At NSS 2000
From the Caver's Digest - Paul Wendt
New Cave Book Out - Beyond Mammoth Cave A Tale of Obsession in the World's Longest Cave
CREG Journal 41 Available! - David Gibson
NSS Funds Available for Gear
Kartchner Caverns
1990 Speleo Digest Now Available
3rd Annual KWI Karst Award Dinner and Tenth Anniversary Celebration Saturday, March 10, 2001
2001 Speleo Digest Editor Needed
Flashbulb Information For Cave Photographers
Interesting Web Site
Rockfall In Surprise Cave!
SCCi Newsletter Online
NSS Workshops - Evelyn Bradshaw
Joe Ivey Accident Report
Lost In Mammoth Cave
NSS IT Committee
NSS Bookstore Press Release
Woman Unearths Hobby in Caves
Upcoming MARs
What To Do If An Injury Occurs While Caving
Spring 2001 NRO
TAG Auction Ends
2001 NSS Convention
Richmond Area Speleological Society (RASS) Ends Bingo
Upcomming VAR
Speleo Buffons Or How Not To Be A Caver
UK Cave Photography Group - David Gibson
CREG Journal 42 Now Out
National Radio Observatory

The Pack Rat Scat is the official newsletter of the Greater Allentown Grotto and is published quarterly. Articles are contributed by members and friends of the Grotto, but they do not officially represent the position of GAG or the NSS, nor the views of the editor or any other member. The Pack Rat Scat is available in exchange for other speleological publications.

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Last Updated:  23 August 2005

Greater Allentown Grotto
Post Office Box 373
Neffs, PA 18065-0373

© 1999-2000 GAG, Inc.