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#83 - Summer 2002 #82 - Spring 2002 #81 - Winter 2002 #80 - Fall 2001 #79 - Spring 2001 #78 - Fall 2000 #77 - Spring 2000 #76 - Winter 1999 #75 - Fall 1999 #67 - Spring 1997 #65 - Fall 1996 #64 - Summer 1996 #63 - Spring 1996 #62 - Winter 1996 #60 - Summer 1995

GAG Newsletter
Articles - |
Noecker Cave - Dean H. Snyder |
Carbide Lamps and Caving or Old Isn't
Always Obsolete - Paul Lubaczewski |
New Passage in Host #1, October 27,
2001 - Paul Lubaczewski |
Reports - |
Blue Hole Cave, October 13, 2001 - Leslie Lubaczewski |
McAlisterville Cave, December 8, 2001 -
Paul Lubaczewski |
Return to Penn Aqua Cave, August 11,
2001 - Leslie Lubaczewski |
Cleversburg Sink, December 1, 2001 - Leslie Lubaczewski |
Lost River Caverns -
Paul Lubaczewski |
Lost River Caverns Cleanup - Paul Lubaczewski |
Caving News - |
Grant Will Help Preserve Caves, The
Intelligencer Record, Thursday, December 6, 2001 - Robert Armengol |
The Pack Rat Scat is the official newsletter
of the Greater Allentown Grotto and is published quarterly. Articles are contributed by
members and friends of the Grotto, but they do not officially represent the position of
GAG or the NSS, nor the views of the editor or any other member. The Pack Rat Scat is
available in exchange for other speleological publications.
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Last Updated: 13 February 2003
Allentown Grotto
Post Office Box 373
Neffs, PA 18065-0373
© 1999-2003 GAG, Inc. |